Healthy Heavens Trust Initiative
2023-07-17 BBILAN Satellite Constellations Update
2022-08-10 FCC Announces Rejection of Starlink’s RDOF application, denying it $885 Million
2022-08-05 FCC Opens Proceeding On Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing in Space
2022-08-02 Healthy Heavens Trust Initiative Update
2022-02-10 Filings re: FCC Permit for SpaceX 30K Satellites
Halting the Assault by 80,000+ Satellites
Neowise Comet photobombed by Starlink constellation (composite)
EPIC STORY: Humankind stands at a precipice from which there will be no return: A Great 21st Century space rush is now underway by commercial enterprises and the military, fomented and enabled in the U.S. by the FCC and other U.S. government agencies, to grab, deploy, transform, and own the Heavens for private gain, defense, and weaponization. Over the next 10 years 80,000+ non-stationary low orbit satellites will be launched and seamlessly integrated in terrestrial 4G/5G/6G+ industrial and military networks (“Space Fence”). Scores of new satellites are being launched every week from the U.S. and other countries.
Since the beginnings of our time on earth we humans, and perhaps other species, have revered the skies. The Heavens are the spiritual wellspring of many cultures. This accelerating human-caused catastrophe will substantially compound the existing biological and environmental harms of 4G/5G/6G non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, enable remote manipulation of biological systems, further erode personal privacy, expand government surveillance, present increasing risks of satellite collisions, interfere with meteorological prediction and astronomical research, litter the skies with satellite debris, and endanger national and global security.
The Heavens must belong to no one. Quite the opposite, numerous international treaties, conventions, and other legally enforceable commitments affirm they are held in Public Trust for all of humanity and the living world. Nations and people everywhere are the fiduciaries of this Public Trust. They possess the legal means and the power to ensure that the exploration of this new frontier, the Heavens, if it must proceed, is approached with humility and wisdom.
Restoring Balance to the Satellite Program
Mission: To require the FCC and other federal agencies to follow established principles and procedures that are well-recognized by international treaty, the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, state laws and local ordinances — now even more relevant and critical during a national COVID-19 pandemic — to carefully assess all risks, costs, and viable alternatives before permitting the implementation of a blanket license of 7 million earth stations and accelerating the launch of 50,000-100,000 satellites.
Safeguard National Security — To compel a careful re-examination of the national security risks of over-reliance on a 5G/wireless infrastructure when a viable, safer, more secure, energy efficient, job generating, and vastly less expensive alternative – optical fiber wired infrastructure — is readily available and has already been paid for by taxpayers and ratepayers.
Depiction of space debris around Earth (note dots representing satellites and debris are not to scale)
Published Op-Eds
The cyberattack of our nightmares: What if hackers target our satellites? | USA Today | July 21, 2021
Why is Space Not Part of Biden's Infrastructure Plan? | Newsweek | May 6, 2021
US Misses Two Cyber 'Pearl Harbor' Attacks | International Business Times | March 21, 2021
Case Docket
To date BBILAN, the BALANCE GROUP and Swankin & Turner have initiated the following actions with the FCC:
Petition for Rulemaking to the FCC to require full and complete compliance with NEPA and other federal statutes, and the adoption and expedited implementation of specific protective rules in consultation with other government agencies. (filed March 2021)
Application for Review (AFR) of International Bureau Blanket License to SpaceX for one million earth stations. (filed March 2020)
BALANCE GROUP Reply to SpaceX Opposition to AFR (filed April 2020)
Opposition to International Bureau grant of a Modification (initially made in one day) to permit reduction in elevation from 1,100 km to 550 km (filed May 26, 2020)
BALANCE GROUP Reply to SpaceX Opposition (filed in June 2020)
Amicus Brief on behalf of the Building Biology Institute in Children’s Health Defense and Environmental Health Trust v. FCC (June 2020)
Petition for Rulemaking to the FDA to develop safe health standards and science-based rules for RFR public and occupational exposure in collaboration with the FCC (filed December 2021)
National and International Satellite Risks
Fundraising Campaign
Initial Goal: $100,000. Thus far we have raised an initial $50,000, and are seeking an additional $50,000 to reach our funding goal.
DONATIONS: Your support is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use. Please make your check or money order payable to BBILAN, P.O. Box 30397, Santa Barbara, CA 93130. Credit card donations may be made by clicking the “Donate” button below. BBILAN is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, so all your donations are tax-deductible charitable contributions to the extent of the law.
Please contact us to discuss any questions or concerns and customized donation options.
Header image credit: https://dubaisims.com/