Healthy Heavens Trust
Whereas five Federal Communications Commissioners (FCC) have granted a few privately held companies blanket license to deploy over 80,000 low-orbit non-geostationary satellites and millions of earth stations;
Whereas the FCC’s piecemeal actions are accelerating a Space Race that jeopardizes national and international security;
Whereas the U.S. government has already recognized some of the national and international security risks involved (see chart below), but has no public comprehensive plan to mitigate them;
Whereas the FCC is offering billions of dollars in direct subsidies, and trillions in indirect subsidies through lax or no regulation of unproven, untested technologies;
Whereas the FCC is allowing satellite companies to proceed without indemnification or insurance, and no provision whatsoever made for compensation to the public (Public Pays Principle);
Whereas all nation states hold the integrity of the Heavens in sacred Public Trust, and therefore must act as stewards and fiduciaries for this Public Trust (this principle being enshrined in a framework of international treaties, international customary law, and national laws);
Whereas the FCC, as a fiduciary, has a duty to be well informed and to consult with other U.S. government agencies, Congressional oversight committees, other governments and international organizations, and to hold public hearings;
Whereas the FCC must comply with all federal and state laws and international treaties (including safeguards for human and environmental rights) that it is violating by its unilateral actions;
Whereas the FCC’s flagrant disregard for international law will accelerate other governments’ mercantilist trade policies and violation of human rights, climate change, and environmental conventions. The FCC cannot authorize 80,000+ satellites and not expect other countries to do the same;
Whereas optical fiber and other wired options offer well proven, safer, more reliable, cyber-secure, environmentally protective solutions to internet access;
Now therefore, we, the undersigned organizations, strongly support the Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking to the FCC to effect a pause in all satellite licensing and launches, until a full assessment of the security risks and long-term harms is made. It is a violation of fundamental rights of humanity and all life to sacrifice the Heavens for the benefit of a few satellite companies and their shareholders without exploring more reasonable and balanced alternatives.
December 9, 2020