2024-05-03 Neutralizing the Shadow Game and Winning by Finding the Leverage Points

Julian Gresser Summary Notes

Hello my name is Julian Gresser. an attorney, co-founder of the Broadband International Legal Action Network, (BBILAN) one of a handful of lawyers representing advocates and communities across the country and in other countries, that are seeking to restore balance, sanity, and justice in one small intense arena of action: meeting the Wireless Juggernaut.

It does require much imagination to observe that the world we once knew even a year ago, much less the world of our childhood and of our youth, is coming apart, and at an accelerating pace. Less well observed, however is the gathering storm of opportunities to turn this compounding catastrophe into an opportunity, to turn adversity to advantage, even to evolve as a species.

The goal of today’s program is to put in your hands proven practical tools and unfolding discoveries that you can immediately use to regain and recharge your inner power, and then exert that vital energy and power on the leverage points where it can produce practical measurable outcomes. What we learn in this arena can be directly applied to many other personal and community challenges; what we learn there can be directly applied in this arena.

Today’s program comes with an offer. We will provide some essential tools. We have collective extraordinary untapped power — through our collaboration. I will provide 80 years of hands-on practical experience from exploring and training with grandmasters in these fields — which we are delivering to you in our course on Resilient Communities. But you must also do the work. The great Chinese philosopher general Wang Yang Ming observed, “Knowledge without action is not knowledge at all.” The good news is, we can do this together. How willing are you to win? How willing are you to recognize and harvest where you are already winning? How willing are you to learn when you falter, to vault over defeats and turn them into triumphs? It is possible. We will show you. You can easily validate this principle for yourselves. So let’s begin.

Understand the Shadow Game. Sun Tzu said: “Know yourself, know your enemy, you can’t be defeated in 100 battles.” How many people joining this program can spot 5 basic moves in the Shadow Game? 10 moves? 20 moves? Understanding the adversary and knowing ourselves is the first basic step. This is how we begin to win.

Personal leverage points. Where you have immediate leverage: Restore your Inner power.

  • Physical inner power—life force

  • Love—Just Click—power of Connecting the Energy Field of the Heart.

  • Paradox of Paying forward—greatest act of self-care.

  • Appreciation of Beauty

Effective Collaboration/Synergistic Resilient Leadership

Key success factors—Fiber First Los Angeles et. al. v. LA County et. al

Read about our victory on bbilan.org website. The 3 reasons for our success:

  1. The law is on our side.

  2. Excellent legal work — Scott (legal genius), terrific local counsel, Tsai Law firm, and yours truly.

  3. Effective collaboration within the legal team, with the clients, with community, possibly now even with opposing counsel. Nothing is “winged”; we shore up each other’s weaknesses.

New model of Synergistic Resilient Leadership — Tahoe case, team takes the initiative many champions; Right now implementing the Power of Integration—in hard-nosed business seeing 40% increase in ROI—revenues, productivity, reduced costs. Same applies to SROI. In LA several of our members displaying heroic leadership—Brenda Trumar, Sidnee Cox, Julie Levine, many others—see the opportunity for initiative, work in teams, take action.

Acquire the basics of Resilient Negotiation — What is your “system”? How do you know when you win, the secrets, so you can win again? Or if you fall off, how can you rapidly course correct? All trackable and measurable. (essential tools, including metrics to track progress are available) Example: Where do I attack in Shadow Game — Shadow Players attack the Mind/Heart — by False assumptions — name 6! (Cell towers are safe, resilient, will help to close the digital divide, are necessary in fire emergencies, are energy efficient, are critical for uniform ICT infrastructure)

Legal Tactical — Applying Intertidal Holistic thinking— don’t focus only on EMF!

Focus on situations where towers are not yet built or even better, approved. Andrew Campanelli, Bob Berg, JG in teams—win at least 50% of the time before cell tower approvals.

Adopt template ordinance provisions focused on defects. (collaborative project with CHD)

Focus on specific defects in permitting. For example, in CA we discovering telecoms believe they are exempt in locating around schools, may not be exempt (Bob Berg); therefore many companies may be operating without proper permits; in such cases, first cases these towers may need to come down.

Focus on microplastics shedding from faux towers. Hazardous toxic waste from microplastics may be penetrating the food and drinking water supply.

Focus on wildfire risks — Topic for our next Evolutionary Conversation on May 20, 2024)

  • Telecoms exempting themselves from fire codes )(LA County) >widespread code structural violations

  • Pay attention to evacuation

  • Avail existing remedies: Malibu Fire Safety Code, Malibu Resolution

Vigorously support EMF Victim Registration and Local Departments of Health — Pittsfield case, New Hampshire draft bill — Plaintiff — unnecessary death — Telecoms conspiring to oppose Americans with Disabilities Act — claiming they are not public utilities — must not tolerate this.

Screentime addiction.— Very fertile area; causation of harm — challenges greatly alleviated as the algorithms are designed to addict. Casey Gerry leading firm in this area. (See Complaint); also, surveilling kids is a $ 3.1 billion industry.

Coming Together—Resilient Communities Course: Practicum — Multi-layered, multi-orbited Alliance Model — Best collaborative alliance practices): We are winning; how to build momentum?

  • Each victory builds for all—triumph of small numbers, small victories.

  • Concept of orbits within value added networks.

  • Linked to trust building and synergy syn-energy--through Integration supported by Synergistic Resilient Leadership Model. Together we possess vast talents, not well deployed.

  • Legal action expensive — generous funders can’t continue to go on forever.

  • Places entire movement in jeopardy; it is not sustainable as it is; benefactors are correct: We must rely on ourselves. Collaborative Fund Raising. Litigation is expensive: At regular attorney rack rates, FFLA v. LA County—close to $ 1 million.

  • Collaborative Funding Goal: 2024-$1 million; 2025-$3 million; 2026-$5 million — Crowd funding + donors — Shared architecture. Post progress on website. Create a sub group in Course—to support not only lawyers but others with relevant talents. $1 million is average cost of a ~ 5 redesigns outdoor swimming pools celebrities and other wealthy people in Montecito.

  • Conclusion: Unique opportunity — Seize the day (carpe diem!). The course is scheduled to close tomorrow, Saturday, May 4. We may extend to next week, planning another webinar focusing on NYC, unfolding tragedy.

You are not alone! One-on-one coaching already proving successful. No gurus. We train together. I will be 81 in June. None of us knows how long we have. But we have this moment.

Right here.

Within right now is eternity!


2024-05-20 May 20 Evolutionary Conversation — Wildfire Risks in an Age of Climate Turbulence and Cell Tower Densification


2024-04-20 Enhancing Attorney and Law Firm Wellbeing Through Integral Resilience — The Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage